How to Learn Product Management from Zero to Hero

30.05.24 by Anastasiia Zholobova

How to Learn Product Management from Zero to Hero

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3 min read

In the words of the great Jedi master Yoda: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” The desire for a secret tome of product knowledge that can instantly teach customer development, value creation, and prioritization is common. However, the path to becoming a product manager is as varied as the professionals in the field. Here are some practical tips based on personal experiences in product management and insights from teaching others in both professional and academic settings.

Product Management: A Common Sense Approach

Product management is a timeless discipline that has evolved alongside human innovation. This field involves observing the world, recognizing patterns, empathizing with others, and strategically devising solutions to meet the challenges faced by individuals and businesses. While rooted in common sense and keen observational skills, product management is also complex. It requires a clear vision, flexibility, and meticulous control over numerous moving parts. Entering the field of product management is accessible to all, but excelling within it demands deep curiosity, strong empathy, and unwavering resilience.

Leverage Strengths and Address Weaknesses

Product managers come from diverse backgrounds, transitioning from roles in data, design, engineering, marketing, or business. For example, a journey into product management from cultural and language studies equips one with strong listening and interpretative skills, enabling the translation of complex problems into actionable engineering solutions. It is crucial to leverage one’s strengths while actively developing other competencies. If design is a forte, consider enhancing skills in programming or data analytics. If the background is in engineering, focus on improving soft skills such as presentation and communication. Identifying and mastering weaker areas is key to becoming well-rounded.

Rely on the Team

What one lacks in expertise, peers can provide. A product manager is ultimately responsible for a product’s success. It is essential to harness the knowledge and power of each team member to fulfil requirements, analyze data, and evaluate the business case for an MVP. Fostering the growth of team members, in turn, helps refine one’s own skills. Viewing the team as intelligent and capable individuals and sharing empathy for customer challenges is vital. Engineers can influence design decisions with insightful questions about user experience; analysts can provide crucial insights that propel product iterations; business teams can assist in focusing on both short-term objectives and long-term vision. The people around you are invaluable resources in the product management journey.

Always Be the Voice of the Customer

A product manager acts as the customer’s representative in every discussion. Distance from customers can lead to misguided decisions and missed opportunities. The primary role is to create value for customers, with the understanding that business value will follow customer satisfaction. By engaging with customers through all available means, one ensures that the product remains relevant and increases the likelihood of financial success.

Conclusion: Embrace the Journey of Learning and Leading

Product management is more than a role — it is a journey of continuous learning and adaptation. The path from novice to expert is not linear but filled with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Embrace each challenge as a stepping stone towards becoming a proficient product manager who not only understands the product but also leads the team and champions the customer. Growth in product management is limited only by curiosity and commitment. Each experience should be used as a lesson, and knowledge and insights should be shared with others. By doing so, one not only becomes a leader in the field but also contributes to the evolving landscape of product management.

Keep pushing forward, for in the words of Master Yoda, the true essence of progress lies in action, not contemplation.

About me:

Hi, I’m Anastasiia Zholobova, an experienced Product Leader specializing in Ad Tech and Global Strategy. My journey in product management has taken me across 70 markets with Delivery Hero, where I lead the optimization of core Ad Tech platform capabilities. I also teach the Product Manager Certification course at Product School, combining academic insights with practical experience. My passion lies in driving innovation, enhancing ROI, and improving user engagement across diverse markets.

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How to Learn Product Management from Zero to Hero
Anastasiia Zholobova
Group Product Manager
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